The Immigration Conversation | Presented by Fragomen
This is the Immigration Conversation presented by Fragomen. A series of talks and discussions by leading immigration lawyers and professionals from around the world, who will bring you the most up-to-date business immigration news, issues of concern, and strategies in the world of global immigration and mobility.
The Immigration Conversation | Presented by Fragomen
Nouvelle loi sur l’immigration: Impact et défis à venir
Sylvain Garguilo, Practice Leader, Elsa Guillais, Director et Agnès Rodriguez Raig, Senior Manager, discutent de la nouvelle loi immigration récemment promulguée par le président Macron et de ses impacts sur les travailleurs étrangers en France et les entreprises faisant appel à de la main d’œuvre étrangère.
*Veuillez noter que cet épisode est en français.
Practice Leader Sylvain Garguilo, Director Elsa Guillais and Senior Manager Agnes Rodriguez Raig discuss the French immigration law recently promulgated by President Macron, its impacts on foreign workers in France and on companies using foreign labor.
*Please note this episode is in French.